Welcome to our new Clinical Trial Simulator!

Our advanced predictive models can now be used to evaluate and optimise the clinical trial design for the comparison of any two drug regimens. The user simply selects the treatment regimens and the proposed trial design (slide the green bars to change!), and then hits the "Simulate" button. When the simulations are completed, numerous results are then generated, including the Probability of Technical Success (i.e. P<0.05 in the primary endpoint analysis).

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The outcome of a clinical trial depend on the drug regimens being compared and the design of the trial. That is, the treatment effects, and the treatment difference (the "delta"), are not fixed values, but depend on multiple aspects of the trial (e.g. treatment duration, baseline HbA1c, patient population etc.). The trial design information provided below is combined with our advanced HbA1c and weight models, and 100 trials are simulated across a range of different sample sizes (yielding 100 "virtual" trials). The code returns the % of successful trials (i.e. P<0.05 in favour of the experimental treatment), the predicted treatment effects (i.e. changes from baseline), and the predicted treatment difference. Additional options can be found under the "Advanced" button.